Specialist Areas

I know that understanding peoples’ minds, bodies and behaviours is the key to success and I combine all my years of training and practice to empower my clients to conquer their own challenges to be the best that they can be.

I work from my  Bedfordshire-based clinic where I see people online, and my specialist areas are:


This is a widely-used term, and it can be very difficult for people to identify the point at which they have to take action. You’d be amazed how many people are prepared to just put up with the discomfort of anxiety rather than doing something about it!

It might be stopping you doing the things you want or need to do, or you could be suffering with physical effects such as sleeplessness, racing heart, sweating, panic and stomach issues. You might even be experiencing mental effects such as excessive worrying and stress, not being able to relax, and changes in your behaviour. Any of these means it’s time get to get help!

Click here to book a free discovery consultation

Trauma & PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder)

You don’t have to be in a warzone to have trauma. A lot of my clients have struggled with the negative effects of traumatic experiences many years after the event.

I worked with someone with Complex PTSD, following an abusive childhood and, later on, a fatal car accident. They had had multiple counselling sessions, CBT and medication, none of which had worked. After our 9 sessions together, using hypnotherapy, EMDR, NLP and havening, they were free from this historic trauma which had still been having a really big impact on their life, their relationships and their health, over 30 years later.

Click here to book a free discovery consultation

Read my blog on Trauma

Birth trauma and Postnatal Depression (PND)

As a senior nurse and health visitor for over 20 years, I worked extensively new mums and young families, helping them through the demanding experience of childbirth, lactation and postnatal care. I now use all my collective experience to work with people affected by birth trauma, which can affect people many years after the event.

Much of what new mums are offered following a traumatic birth experience is talk therapy and even CBT, however this can revisit and reinforce the trauma in the brain, and, in some cases, can make things worse. I use a combination of powerful techniques (such as hypnotherapy, EMDR, NLP and havening) that release the trauma without having to talk about it at length.

Click here to book a free discovery consultation

Read my blog on Birth Trauma


Fear triggers the same fight or flight response in the body as a trauma, and so needs to be dealt with in a similar way. Some phobias are very specific and can be dealt with relatively quickly, whilst others can have a major impact on your life, creating huge amounts of anxiety, stress, and even depression.

I worked with a young mum who had emetophobia (fear of vomiting) for over 25 years. It affected everything that she ate, everywhere that she went to, and as a result, she was challenged by high levels of  incapacitating anxiety and fear. This was all made worse after she became a mum and her baby frequently vomited (as babies do!). She’d had seven courses of CBT, one of which involved carrying a bowl of vegetable soup around to trick her brain into thinking it was vomit; she was on anti-depressants and desperate for a solution that worked. After working together for 6 sessions, she’s now able to eat takeaway, socialise freely, and if her daughter is ill, she’s calm and in control of the situation.

Click here to book a free discovery consultation

Read my blog on Emetophobia